I’m honored to be invited back to the Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive by Entrepreneurship Cell IIT Kharagpur.
I’m going to try my best to describe what the Lean Startup methodologies are all about and why they are important.

I’m honored to be invited back to the Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive by Entrepreneurship Cell IIT Kharagpur.
I’m going to try my best to describe what the Lean Startup methodologies are all about and why they are important.
Recently I was invited to speak and share some of my experiences as an entrepreneur at Betahaus Cologne‘s Startup Supper event.
Startup Supper is an informal evening dinner event where invited startup entrepreneurs share selected stories from their experience and answer questions from the audience.
The subject of my little chat was “going from nothing to something”, about how I got from just an idea to building an actual team and shipping an actual product beta with our startup Gauss – The People Magnet.
Here’s the main points:
In summary, it took about six months of searching and dating to attract and recruit the right people. From there on it took a month to build a prototype (MVP) and another four months to reach a public beta stage and another three months before we launched on the Apple AppStore.
Images by Thomas Riedel (@boydroid)
If you’re interested in me speaking at your event, why don’t you shoot me a mail and let’s talk.
I was recently invited to speak about my lessons learned as a startup entrepreneur at the steps2startup program at the University of Cologne.
steps2startup is a student initiative at the University of Cologne to help young people interested in startups and entrepreneurship build their network and exchange experiences and ideas with like-minded people. It is important for entrepreneurs to get started on their ideas and build on their business, so they will need as much advice as they can get, this may even mean contacting a trade secret lawyer California firm or a firm in their location so they can see how they can protect their ideas.
It was inspiring to see about 50+ student in attendance at a very busy exam time.
Here are the slides I used:
Recently, I was invited by the good folks at Denkwerk to hold a talk about my experiences as a creator of things and as an startup entrepreneur.
Here’s a short excerpt from that talk:
If you’re interested in hiring me to speak, why don’t you shoot me an email and let’s have a chat about that.
I recently had the pleasure to hold a WTF lecture at the Knowmads business school in Amsterdam.
The subject of my talk was social capital, the difference between bonding capital and bridging capital, why I believe we need more of the latter and how I share the belief that we live in a network economy; I believe it’s no longer about what you know or how you know – It’s about how many types of people you know.
It’s a subject near and dear to me and one of the reasons I’m co-founding Gauss – The People Magnet.
Knowmads is a business school that educate young creative entrepreneurial spirits. Check out this video to learn more:
Thanks for having me over, guys! It was a hoot! I hope we can do it again some time. :)