Rants, Social

So, where are you from?

I hail from the southern most town (no, I didn’t write it and I wonder why there’s nothing about the imense drug problems there) of Norway called Mandal. It’s a tiny little place internationally speaking with its ca. 14.000 inhabitants. Like many other people growing up in tiny places I moved out as soon as I could. That was 13 years ago. Much has happened since then and I currently find myself living in Cologne, Germany.

For those of you who may not know, Mandal is a coastal town, surrounded by beaches, small islands and the ocean. Growing up and living a five minutes walk from the coastline, I fell in love with the ocean at an early age. (For those of you who may not know, Cologne is like 200 Km from the (Dutch) coast). I do travel back to Mandal once a year to see family and friends, but from time to time I find myself missing the beaches, the islands and the ocean – even just the smell of it all.

As I find myself going through the images I shot of the coastline visiting Mandal last Christmas, the thought occurs to me that you too may have left somewhere. That you too may be missing some aspects of what you left behind. I thought I’d share what I’m missing by posting the images on flickr and invite you to have a look.

I would be thrilled to know what you’re missing by sharing your story – perhaps even with links to images – in the comments!

News, Social

‘Wag the Long Tail’ in Cologne, Germany

I attended a seminar called “Wag the Long Tail” in the Rheinpalais today. Unfortunately it turned out to be not about The Long Tail at all, but more about what some refer to as “web2.0“. However I thought I’d share some images. Have a look at my set on flickr for more.


Thomas Schindler from hundertelf and cellcast.de, and Christian ‘MrTopf’ Scholz.

Heiko Hebig

Heiko Hebig (sorry for spelling your name wrong on twitter!) gave the best and by far the most honest and professional presentation, even showing off twitter. (Too bad it did not have much to do about The Long Tail, though)


And then there was Ehrensenf (sort of a German rocketboom – not that relevant or funny anymore). Not too sure what they had to contribute, though. Truth be told we left before they got to say anything profound. Sorry you guys, but I’d had about enough at that time.

3D, Business Ideas, Social, Software

Second Life in CGN

Currently I’m I was at a SecondLife Stammtisch in Cologne at a place called ‘4 Cani‘ on Thursday the 9th of August. As I arrived late after deciding first going swimming, I missed the introduction round and I’m currently I felt a bit isolated for a while (but it didn’t take that long before the conversations started). Thus I’m I was a tad bored and thought I’d blog to look important and busy keep me occupied until contact was initiated.

Here’s a picture taken with my crap webcam:

SL Stammtisch CGN 20070809

Thanks to Christian Scholz for the invitation!
