News, Plone, Social, Software

Plone Cathedral Sprint 2010 a success!

(Non-Flash version of the image slideshow)

I’d like to offer all the participants a big THANK YOU! Looking forwards to be seeing you guys either in Sorento and/or Bristol. You rock! Seriously.

The official German DZUG press release describes the results of the sprint quite well, so I thought I’d be a lazy bastard attach my crude translation below. Feel free to quote it, reuse and repost it as you may see fit.

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Plone, Social, Usability

Plone Cathedral Sprint 2010 in Cologne

This week I’m attending the first Plone Sprint held in my hometown of Cologne! The aim of the sprint is to focus on completing tasks for the upcoming major release of version 4.0 and even the next incremental version 4.1.

I’m working on the sprint group that is trying to clean up the search interface and make the Plone search experience a little bit better.  I think we’re making some progress already – and as always – it’s great fun! :)

News, Plone

Plone Conference 2008 venue and dates

It’s now official where and when the Plone Conference 2008 will be held. The winner is Washington DC and the dates are October 8 – 10 preceded by two days of Plone training sessions, and followed by 2-3 days of sprinting.

Congratulations to Alex Clark and the ZPUGDC!

Plone in Trier

I’d like to openly disclose that I voted for the DC proposal, although it would have been more convenient for me personally to attend a conference in Europe. My vote this year was for a change of continent.

I hope I will be able to attend and see you there!
