This weekend I was invited to coach the participants by my organizing friends behind the legendary Startup Weekend Amsterdam, SWAMS. And what an EPIC weekend it was – once again!
For me this represents a full circle of sorts, as Startup Weekend Amsterdam was the first SW I ever participated at.
Back then in 2012 I wanted to bring Startup Weekend to my town of Cologne, so I participated (a requirement to become an organizer) at SWAMS (as it came highly recommended as one of the best SWs in Europe) to become an organizer myself.
This was also a surprisingly reflective time for me. I couldn’t help but wonder if this also marked the time for me to retire as a volunteer for Startup Weekend / UP Global, as an organizer and as a facilitator.
It felt like it was time to move on for me.

I see familiar faces…
The overall winners were… “Kieke Box” – Educational games for kids in a box with a monthly subscription.
And lo’ behold – I also moonlighted as a juror as the original juror was unable to.

Today my name will be…