Recently I was honored to be invited to South by Southwest (SxSW) in Austin, Texas as a startup ambassador to the state of NRW (where Cologne is located) and Germany.

The Dating Game participants @ SxSW 2014
My responsibilities including speaking and moderating at various events at SxSW, helping to bring in US investors and other interesting people to the German events, and helping to organize and MC the Startup Dating Game, a new and fun take on the old TV classic having VCs and startups date, at the official German venue, German Haus.

Look at the talking hands

Super Agel Rudy Garza from G51 Capital was kind enough to join our dating game

Dai Truong from Austin Ventures braved the stage to chat up our eligible candidates of German and international startups on the dating game

Look who I managed to drag to the German Haus! Great to party with Jeff and Dave again.

Even more chillaxing at German Haus

Speaking on the convention floor

And look who came by the German stand in the convention center…

Hanging out with Jeff, almost unrecognizable after his radical body transformation. Looking healthy now!

Oh, and there was the legendary Snoop VIP party that I went to and lost my iPhone – and which was later miraculously found and returned