This weekend saw the very fist Startup Weekend Maastricht – and what an EPIC weekend it was! This time around I was invited as a coach to help the participants flex their entrepreneurial muscle and help out my wonderful friends on the organizing team with supporting the regional ecosystem

The hands are doing the talking: The thin vs the broad side of the wedge
Visit their Facebook page for many more great photos and videos from the EPIC weekend that was Startup Weekend Maastricht!
Sjoerd Jansen, a participant on the winning team, wrote a post-event blog post. Here are some quotes:
One of the best weekends of my life.
So to recap this weekend; I’ve learned great things from great people like John Ramey and Vidar Andersen, I’ve met great people, but most importantly I walked away with a trained startup muscle. I learned that while everyone might want to own a startup, only a few will succeed.

I held a Lean Startup Crash Course for the participants new to the methodologies