This weekend I was invited to Lithuania to facilitate Startup Weekend Vilnius. And what an insanely awesome weekend it was!
The EPIC venue – Vilnius Planetarium!
The long long LONG line of pitchers Friday evening.
Pitching our ideas.
Then we voted to decide who would get to form teams and when they had formed their teams, it was off to WORK WORK WORK!

Impressive – These guys built a land-based drone IN A WEEKEND!!!
In between, we had a barrage of coaches come in and help us out.
And then the Sunday came, and the teams had to present what they had been working on and what they had learned during the weekend – in front of a full auditorium.
The final teams presenting.
And the jury asked hard questions and deliberated…
And the winner is… “Veri Fake” – A service to identify fake Facebook profiles.
The beautiful town of Vilnius, Lithuania.