
I’ve merged with the Matrix

Now that I’m absorbed in the Matrix, virtualised and digitalised by AI, it’s super easy to speak most languages of the world – like Greek, Arabic, Finnish, Chinese, and Ukrainian, for instance.

We live in interesting times.

The video above is entirely AI generated except script. Automatic translation to most languages is available with HeyGen.
The video above is 100% AI generated, including script with ChatGPT 4. Bye bye, content creators.
Now let’s try something different. In the video above it starts with the original video of me (not AI generated) speaking in English. What follows is HeyGen’s AI translation of my voice and of the moving images. (The tonal / gamma shift is due to me accidentally leaving some wrong settings on when exporting from DaVinci Resolve – so disregard.)

These new tools are going to be very helpful to me in reaching more audiences with my educational content in many more languages. I also foresee these tools helping me to take much of the pain out of content marketing and content lead magnet creation.

Disclaimer: AI generated content created with HeyGen and ChatGPT 4.


WHU Accelerator Mentor Mayhem Again

Excited and honored to be back yet again as a mentor for the WHU Accelerator program!

“The WHU Accelerator is an equity-free intensive program for WHU students, alumni, and staff designed to provide rocket fuel for your new ventures.”

“WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is a leading German business school with an exceptional national and international reputation. WHU offers academic programs and continuing education for executives throughout their career.”

From the WHU web page
