Education, entrepreneurship, Events, Lean Startup

Interviewing Running Lean’s Ash Maurya at the first Lean Startup Circle Cologne


Recently I had the honor and pleasure to attend Ash “Running Lean” Maurya‘s  talk at the first ever Lean Startup Circle Cologne meetup.

After his talk, Ash and one of the Lean Startup Circle Cologne initiators, Kamil Barbarski, sat down with me for an interview to talk Lean on camera for


Here’s Ash’s talk at the first ever Lean Startup Circle Cologne, courtesy of NERDHUB:

Education, entrepreneurship, Events

Global Entrepreneurship Week Maastricht 2013

Panel discussing what's next for the European Plan

Panel discussing what’s next for the European Plan

I was delighted and honored to be invited recently to Global Entrepreneurship Week Maastricht to attend a panel discussion with Thorsten Jelinek from the World Economic Forum, Saskia Vossenberg a Consultant and Entrepreneur in Gender Studies and
Jo Martens from about what’s next for Europe, and especially the role of government and education in supporting the creation of more successful startups and founders.

I argued, as is my pet peeve, for a more scientific (the hard science kind) and experiential approach to economy, government and education where we dare to test more and also radically different things and let the data – not politics – drive the decisions on what to implement and what is working.

To cheers from the audience – and a bit of grief from the World Economic Forum representative when I pointed out that economics is a social science, not a hard science, and that it has possibly done us more harm than good so far.

Education, entrepreneurship

Startup Lessons Learned at Northern Institute of Technology Management, NIT Hamburg

Recently I had the honor to be invited to share my startup lessons learned and introduce students to The Lean Startup methodologies at the Northern Institute of Technology Management (NIT) in Hamburg.

The Northern Institute of Technology Management is an international business school, located in Hamburg, Germany. It was founded in 1998 as a public-private partnership of the Hamburg University of Technology and sponsoring companies.

Someone wrote a summary of their take of the lecture – so I don’t have to. Also see my previous lecture at the University of Cologne on the subject for more details.

Do you want to book me? Shoot me an email at [email protected] and let’s talk.

Poster boy

Poster boy

Here are the slides I used:
