Last weekend I had a blast going back to Dublin facilitating Startup Weekend Dublin at Google’s magnificent HQ there.

Image by Andrew McMillian

The SW Dublin venue
Last weekend I had a blast going back to Dublin facilitating Startup Weekend Dublin at Google’s magnificent HQ there.
Image by Andrew McMillian
The SW Dublin venue
VC Thomas Grota speaking
I was recently invited to speak at “Your Day to Found” in Cologne about what startup investors are looking for.
UPDATE: Wirtschafts Woche wrote about my talk and SlideShare featured my slides.
Here are the slides I used:
Friends, readers and followers;
There is something I’ve been wanting to share with you for a while: I’m single again after a 7.5 year relationship ended a while ago.
So that means…
It’s been a while now and people close already know. That is why I can share it with you by now. We tried everything and we were both miserable for a very long time – so we finally decided to do the sane adult thing and end it. I guess the breakup was as amiable as these things get and we’re still very good friends.
Things change and you start to move on.
Now I have opted to be a public person – but she has not, so this is all I am ever going to be writing about this, but I thought I’d share the life event with all of you, sticking to my philosophy (or prophylactic self-help) of full disclosure living in public, so now you know what that other thing I mentioned that I couldn’t talk about back then, because it also concerned another person with a right to their chosen privacy, not just frivolous old me.
So we’ve decided to let our shared apartment go and I have decided put all my worldly belongings, except some clothes and Macs, in storage for the next 12 Months.
Starting from August 1st I’ll be living on a mattress or a couch out of a suitcase around the world.
No worries Cologne, I’ll still be based here for now.
But stay tuned for what I’m up to in the next 12 months.
First up, I am going to take a couple of months of vacation to move on, reflect, recuperate, regain my fitness and health to prepare myself for what is to come…
Where do you think I should go next?
So good bye, home office…
And let me take a moment to clarify.
To wit:
No, I haven’t turned into a friggin’ hippie in search of “myself”. I’m not going to sit on a beach on Bali meditating and watching sunsets with you, wasting time and opportunities. Jesus H Christ on Rubber Crutches, what were you guys thinking? #lulz :P
I was always found. I know my purpose: Helping people through dispersion of knowledge. Dispersion of how to create a startup, how to create value for yourself, your family, your community, your country by private initiative, by startup entrepreneurship, by way of a more scientific approach.
Secondly, I’m already traveling the world because of this stuff – so no big changes here. Seriously. #nodrama
Now let there be no doubt that I’m an self-employed entrepreneur first and foremost; So NO, of course there is no way in hell I’ll be coming to your neck of the wood if someone is not paying for my ass. Have you lost your mind? This is not how the world as we know it works. ;)
That said, if you’re not corporate or you’re not getting paid for whatever you’re inviting me for, I’ll be happy to come over if you (aka your sponsors or overlords) cover travel (economy is just fine) and accommodation (a couch and hot shower = excellent).
If you’re corporate and/or you are getting paid for your event, I’m happy to put you through to my agent for booking and availability. If you are getting paid (e.g. you have a salary), I am getting paid too. That’s a straightforward deal.
Just shoot me a Facebook message or send me opportunities and introductions at [email protected].
This weekend I was invited over to the wonderful country of Romania yet again (1 2 3), This time to facilitate Startup Weekend Iasi (pronounced something like “ee-ash”) in the far far east of the country.
And what an incredibly spectacularly stellar weekend it was!
First of all – The INSANE Venue:
The Panelists. Copyright: Mediencluster NRW / Heike Herbertz
I was recently honored and delighted to be invited to moderate (MC) and coach the participating startups at the ADVANCE Day in Cologne featuring international media types, entrepreneurs and investors like the legendary Morten Lund for a day of talks, seminars and workshops.